This was her FIRST time doing box squats. For years, she had a problem with a forward lean coming out of the hole. I believe her hips and hams aren't up to speed so her lower back compensates for the weak link. Box squats are one addition to her training to strengthen that area.
In the past, her knees were pretty much past her toes, much like an OL lifter. This past training cycle, she has been learning to sit back and there is a HUGE difference between her old squats and the new form she is still LEARNING. Her knees are no longer past her toes! It can only improves. We're taking her form and completely changing it. I'm sure that's going to take some time to learn.
Thanks for the thoughts everyone. If you have more, keep the comments coming. We will be experimenting around with a flatter soled shoe. I've made the request to have a pair custom made if need be.