At 5'11, I wouldn't step onstage until I was in the 220 range. I'm not trying to piss you off. You're sacrificing too much to compete at that weight. You tall guys have the cards stacked against you in the sport of BB.
At 5'11, I wouldn't step onstage until I was in the 220 range. I'm not trying to piss you off. You're sacrificing too much to compete at that weight. You tall guys have the cards stacked against you in the sport of BB. all honesty I prob wont get past 180. I am already lean. Its not always size...Its proportion, vasularity, and definition. Thanks bro. Sorry if I sounded cunty. LOL. Its the tren. all honesty I prob wont get past 180. I am already lean. Its not always size...Its proportion, vasularity, and definition. Thanks bro. Sorry if I sounded cunty. LOL. Its the tren.
On your diet I would increase the protein sizes up to 8oz and add some EFA in there. Maybe some Udo`s (10ml) in morning and some almonds in the arvo (30g). Your calories look a little low.
Otherwise you should get really cut on that diet.
If your gonna compete at 180 then you`ll get the experience and can always come back the following year 10-15lb heavier.