You are trying to inform, the uninformed. Trying to help another person get the most out of the time in the gym. Alot of people don;t do that, they sit back & watch the poor form, lack of knowledge and cry for help. Why? Well, it's not your 'job' and alot of people have other things more important to worry about, but I applaud you for trying to help someone who needs help. FEELS GOOD to share the knowledge and help someone else doesn't it? Man, I just love helping others like that... makes my friggin day. The fact I don;t get paid to do it, and do it b/c it makes me happy, makes it THAT more satisfying to me, while nuts to others ... maybe someday I'll be able to have a career change.
I am so sorry. I am not married with children so I can't imagine how difficult this is for you
I am so sorry. I am not married with children so I can't imagine how difficult this is for you