PRE-WORKOUT NOTE: My shoulder and back were killing me all evening... I felt like an old, beat up man walking into the gym. Plus I hadn't eaten enough cals or the right cals all day.. I was so low on energy and so close to not going.
5 minutes cardio warmup (48 cals)
Bar Complex
Light Squats
86x5 108x5 135x5 135x5
78x5 94x5 109x5 124x3 (fail)
163x5 196x5 229x5 261x5 !PR!
NOTES: I thought if I microloaded the weights down one pound on the military I could hit the 124 instead of the 125 which I came so close to last week, but I couldn't gut it out. The 109 was tough as all f, I knew it then. Can't believe i hit the 261x5 on the deads though... extremely proud of myself. After that I felt like I was run over by a truck, I got out of there. I hope I can do some core work and shoulder rehab tonight.
OTHER NOTES: 41 on the calculus test. HAHA. Gotta step my game up there. I got 100 on one midterm, 97 on another and 41 on calculus rofl. Diet was crap yesterday... a scrambled egg, hashbrown, bacon, salsa on whole wheat wrap.. two krispy kremes, some rice, some granola pre-workout and a good post workout shake afterwards. Not a lot of cals, certainly not at the right macros. Regardless, back on track today.. slept in my own bed finally last night, cooked some chicken this morning, took my vitamins with breakfast, etc..... I am getting back on track and EXTREMELY happy about that.