I go to a buthcher every once in awhile who makes beef jerky hinself from quality cuts of meat. It is higher in sodium than the regular meat, but probably comparable to tuna. I only eat that once in a while though.
There's a canned meat from Italy that I used to eat all the time. It's called simmenthal, it has more protein and less sodium per serving than tuna-- a little lemon and black pepper and your in heaven. It was a God send! Haven't had it in months, they can't import it cause of the madcow shit going on there!
I get them for a buck a bag at Albertsons. They are pretty good, definately taste better than the canned tuna. I get the albacore and it has 23 grams of protein per serving.
because ill go through 3-4 cans at work. its so easy and conveneint. i dont chew it though i just take a scoop and wash it down with water. its not enjoyable but it works and its cheap. 60 cans at sams club costs me 24 buks!