There's something to be said for how gnarly heavy cleans can nail your traps. Think about it, it's like a shrug but wayyyy better range of motion, and on the eccentric (racking phase), your traps play a part in reversing all of the inertia your whole body just put into making a damn heavy barbell fly in the air.
Looking at that guy really make me want to stop benching and start my workout with either the military press or the push-press or jerk first.
Ohhh yeah, and about their training, many coaches and scientists have said that it takes about 2 years of training to achieve the work capacity that these monsters have. You lift like it's a full time job . . . we're talking 6 hours of front squats, back squats, cleans, snatches, hang cleans, high pulls, hang snatches, overhead presses, deadlifts and so on, 6 or 7 days a week. But that's the price you pay to be one of the most badass human beings on the face of the planet . . .
. . . An Olympic Weightlifter.