Nan, I would say my best gains were made when I went from 219-242. I only did 3 sets per body part once a week.
Here is an example of a chest/back workout:
Bench Press 1 working set
Incline DB Press 1 working set
Dips 1 working set
Chins 1 working set
Bent over rows 1 working set
and Deadlifts 1 working set.
A lot of times I would skip flat bench, and rows. So most of the time Only doing 2 sets for these body parts. All the rest of my body parts were giving the same treatment (just basic exercises). Except for arms which were only given 1 set each (barbell curl and close grip press). Now, I also was eating a ton of food. Instead of putting one scoop of powder in a shake, I would put three, and add some heavy whipping cream. Always eating some eggs, quality carbs, beef etc.
But when I switched to Heavy Duty and then later DC I made even BETTER gains. I am sidelinded due to injury, but once I make it back, I will stick with DC.
Well, you asked for it, there you have it. Pretty simple, nothing fancy. If you want the rest of the workout Nan, I will post it.