As of current, I am blessed to have a job in which I have my own desk, the ability to eat at my desk, a little mini-fridge next to my desk, etc. I do get teased that I have lots of food in the fridge, and one of my big drawers full of food. Not to mention, the fact that I eat it seems like ALL the time.
I was just flat out honest with my co-workers in my goals and such...they are actually fascinated about my healthy eating habits as I tell them facts about healthy living.
It doesn't help that my company makes fresh Otis Spunkmeyer cookies for our clients everyday. I finally got them to at least order the Sugar Free cookies. That way, when I smell them...I let myself "cheat" once in a blue moon.
So...vocally, my co-workers are supportive. However, they don't follow the same they bring in french fries and burgers, etc etc. Most of the time -- thinking of all the junk that is in those things makes me nauseated, but then there are some times that I think it smells yummy (but I don't give in -- yeah!).
Which brings me to something I've told myself, especially lately (a bit off the subject) -- that I will NOT marry a man that eats like crap! The man must have the same lifestyle that I have. Its hard enough and tempting enough without having the one you live with for the rest of your life not share something so big!
I see my twin sister and her husband -- she is following the Fat Flush diet right now (and he is trying to), but he is always tempting her with junk food because he has the cravings...its hard.