You know it's amazing how the protein recommendations just keep going up. Don't you find that funny? Think about it the ammounts recommended are getting so ridicousley high it's just about impossible to get it from food. That means that you have to buy supplements, this puts money in guess who's pocket. The higher the reccomendations and more product sold = more profit.
When i started 12 yers ago (shit that long already?) the recommendation for bodybuilders was .8 gram per kilo of weight. Noticed i said Kilo not LB. VERY soon afterwards the popular bodybuiiling magazines pulled a switcharoo and started to officially print .8 Gram per Pound, that's right Pound. I thought i was the only one that caught on. Then it was rounded off to 1 gram per LB. From there came the "Experts" and they said at least 1 gram per Lb. This led to suggesting 1.5 grams per Lb ju to be "safe", then as the consumer got more educated came the studies prooving 2 grams were necessary and so on and so on, i am sure you get the point.
Look at it this way, you can't make your body do anything it does not want to or can't. Forece feed protein and it wil do nothing, Too many people mistake more protein for their increased lifts when simple math shows 100 grams of protein equals to 400 calories more per day. So what caused the gains? Is it the calories or the magic of protein? The truth is propably somewhere in the middle.
So moderate your intake to .8 to 1 gram per per lb and keep it as part of your total daily calorie total. Moderation is key, any more then that and you'll be making the protein manufacturers rich, hell we already are.