Okay, Been out the gym for 2 years. But good thing is i'm back now with a new envigored attituide for health, lifting, and life. I currently think that i'm about 25% - 30% BF with whatever muscle is left over from lifting for two serious years and ten the two year fall off. Dont get me wrong i still believe i am a strong person but nothign where i was.
I'm currently working 5x8 for all workout's. I work chest/shoulders, legs/back, tris/bis. Weights are obviously not all there as before but i'm confident i'll be back. My weight training is not my issue. It's the amount of weight that I have acquired over the two years. I want it off ASAP.
Endo/Mesomorph (70/30)
Age: 23
Breakfast : 6 eggs total - 2 or 3 yolks, 6 whites, 1 slice Whole Wheat Carb Watch Toast (plain or sometimes with a little Natural Peanut Butter), sometimes spinach with the eggs(when available), 1 bottle water, 1 Stimerex Pill, 1 High potency Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc Pill (1500mg/500mg/100mg), 1 Glucosamine/Chondroitin Pill (1500mg/1200mg), 1 Selenium Pill (100mg), 1 Vitamin D Pill (400 iu)
Snack : 1 Organic Grapefruit 1 bottle water
Lunch : Big Salad consisting of Dark Green Lettuce, Spiniach, Broccoli (handful), Red, Yellow, Orange, Green Peppers (handful), 12 oz chicken or Fish, either Red Beans (one/two med spoonfuls) or Mushrooms (handful), about 2 tablespoons of lite italian dressing (just enough to taste), 1 bottle water, 1 Stimerex Pill
Pre W/O Snack : 1 Small banana (the half size ones) some almonds and other assorted fruit no more than 2 handfuls for energy for workout or cardio. 1 bottle water, 1 Stimerex Pill
Workout : 1 Gatorade, 1 bottle water
Post W/O Meal : 12oz Chicken or Fish, whatever sort of vegatable are in the fridge (mostly the dark greens) 1 piece of Whole Wheat Carb Watch Toast (plain), 1 bottle water, 1 High potency Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc Pill (1500mg/500mg/100mg), 1 Glucosamine/Chondroitin Pill (1500mg/1200mg)
Dinner : 12 oz Chicken or Fish, alot of Vegatables, 1 bottle of water, 1 Kava Kava Pill (for relaxation)
All vegatables are either Raw or Steamed, No Salt in diet, No Fried Food, NO Alcohol (that was a big one)
Cardio : i do about 1 hour of mountain biking a day and 1/2hr after workouts. i calculated (as a gauge) on www.mapmyrun.com that @ my age, height, weight, that if i can do 10 miles running in an hour i burn about 1550 calories. I am looking to increase biking longer on my day inbetween lifting, ideally 2hr would be great and 45min to an hour after a workout.
I have been doing this for about 2 weeks now and i've gone down one size in my belt (cool n all but still not happy at all) it only shows me what i needed to do to get going.
Can anybody help me out and point out any flaws/fuckups etc. i need some experienced board members here to help me out. i'm trying to get into a competing physique (YA I KNOW LONG TIME) but i wanna get there sooner than later. I'm looking for someone able to help me out with questions and shit to get me to where i wanna be. I will post before and after pics for all those who chose to help somebody who is willing to get up off their ass and put in some fucking work for what he wants. Thanks for postin`.
Ps - ya help me and i just might video tape a Truffle Schuffle for you before all the fat is shedded off my body, and trust me the fat is going quick...
I'm currently working 5x8 for all workout's. I work chest/shoulders, legs/back, tris/bis. Weights are obviously not all there as before but i'm confident i'll be back. My weight training is not my issue. It's the amount of weight that I have acquired over the two years. I want it off ASAP.
Endo/Mesomorph (70/30)
Age: 23
Breakfast : 6 eggs total - 2 or 3 yolks, 6 whites, 1 slice Whole Wheat Carb Watch Toast (plain or sometimes with a little Natural Peanut Butter), sometimes spinach with the eggs(when available), 1 bottle water, 1 Stimerex Pill, 1 High potency Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc Pill (1500mg/500mg/100mg), 1 Glucosamine/Chondroitin Pill (1500mg/1200mg), 1 Selenium Pill (100mg), 1 Vitamin D Pill (400 iu)
Snack : 1 Organic Grapefruit 1 bottle water
Lunch : Big Salad consisting of Dark Green Lettuce, Spiniach, Broccoli (handful), Red, Yellow, Orange, Green Peppers (handful), 12 oz chicken or Fish, either Red Beans (one/two med spoonfuls) or Mushrooms (handful), about 2 tablespoons of lite italian dressing (just enough to taste), 1 bottle water, 1 Stimerex Pill
Pre W/O Snack : 1 Small banana (the half size ones) some almonds and other assorted fruit no more than 2 handfuls for energy for workout or cardio. 1 bottle water, 1 Stimerex Pill
Workout : 1 Gatorade, 1 bottle water
Post W/O Meal : 12oz Chicken or Fish, whatever sort of vegatable are in the fridge (mostly the dark greens) 1 piece of Whole Wheat Carb Watch Toast (plain), 1 bottle water, 1 High potency Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc Pill (1500mg/500mg/100mg), 1 Glucosamine/Chondroitin Pill (1500mg/1200mg)
Dinner : 12 oz Chicken or Fish, alot of Vegatables, 1 bottle of water, 1 Kava Kava Pill (for relaxation)
All vegatables are either Raw or Steamed, No Salt in diet, No Fried Food, NO Alcohol (that was a big one)
Cardio : i do about 1 hour of mountain biking a day and 1/2hr after workouts. i calculated (as a gauge) on www.mapmyrun.com that @ my age, height, weight, that if i can do 10 miles running in an hour i burn about 1550 calories. I am looking to increase biking longer on my day inbetween lifting, ideally 2hr would be great and 45min to an hour after a workout.
I have been doing this for about 2 weeks now and i've gone down one size in my belt (cool n all but still not happy at all) it only shows me what i needed to do to get going.
Can anybody help me out and point out any flaws/fuckups etc. i need some experienced board members here to help me out. i'm trying to get into a competing physique (YA I KNOW LONG TIME) but i wanna get there sooner than later. I'm looking for someone able to help me out with questions and shit to get me to where i wanna be. I will post before and after pics for all those who chose to help somebody who is willing to get up off their ass and put in some fucking work for what he wants. Thanks for postin`.
Ps - ya help me and i just might video tape a Truffle Schuffle for you before all the fat is shedded off my body, and trust me the fat is going quick...