My little woman sometimes says my stuff is really bitter. If I eat lots of pineapple and Mt.Dew it seems to help. It may have a lot to do with the supplements, vitamins, ect.
Ladies, what do you know? ( Some of you guys could answer as well I suppose. )
I tend to agree here. The more bitter the subtance the more bitter the man juice is. Honestly the healthier that need2 eats the worse it tends to taste. Almost like the sugar helps, who knows.
But diet does play a major roll.
I tend to agree here. The more bitter the subtance the more bitter the man juice is. Honestly the healthier that need2 eats the worse it tends to taste. Almost like the sugar helps, who knows.
But diet does play a major roll.
This is not good! I've been trying to make an effort to increase the green stuff in my diet. I love fruit, veggies if they're raw or steamed a little. I guess I've eaten more broccoli lately.
So have either of you been "exposed" to semenex flavored man-seed?