scruples said:
why are you arguing?? these people clearly know what they're talking about as their progress has demonstrated... you are overtraining
cut down the volume... do squats and stiff-leg deadlifts and maybe some calf-raises, then leave! see how it works... believe me, you can make yourself feel wiped out w/just three-four sets of each of those if you are truly being intense
First, I'm not ARGUING, I'm ASKING. I am perfectly well aware how experienced these people are and that's EXACTLY why I'm ASKING HOW they accomplish these amazingly effective workouts. I've already explained why I sound so aggravated, (if you'd bothered to read the whole thread) and believe me, I'm trying to sound reasonable, but that's kind of dificult when you know you're off track for a comp. and are going to have to crawl over burning coals for 5 weeks simply to avoid extreme public embarrassment and personal self-flagellation ... but that's off topic ...
Second, and if you'll forgive my bluntness, but I'm in a knee-jerk mood, and your tone was hardly gentle, who are YOU to tell me I'm overtraining???? If I'm recovering adequately, WHICH I AM, mostly, all things considered, despite living on a diet an 80's Ethiopian would turn their nose up at, then it's not over-training, IS IT????? And if that brings us back to, "Oh well, then you're not truly being intense, or truly reaching failure," or whatever, then please answer this question:
"How is it that I can do each set (of whatever leg ex) to the point where my legs actually collapse under me, and then do rest pause, or forced a few times? Or drop sets. And I can keep on going for set after set. Apparently I must be doing something wrong, or I am some kind of genetic freak. I sincerely doubt the latter, so please let me in on your intensity secret."
So, mr truly being intense, rather than dropping in here for a quick squiz at the women's board, throwing out arbitrary and unhelpful comments, could you make yourself useful instead, and please tell me:
"What kind of cadence are you using? When do you stop the set? How many more reps do you think you could accomplish IF you were going for failure? Like, what % of your max is that? How hard do you fight, say, on bicep curls for the last rep. Are you standing there with the bar stuck at halfway, straining for 10 secs until it sloooowly slooowly finally comes up, then squeeze at the top? Or are you still moving smoothly fairly easily through a complete ROM?"
Is a long pause at the bottom the/a secret weapon? If one really is aiming for failure, and does 3 sets of squats to failure, is that REALLY adequate? If it is, how come one can rest for a couple of minutes and then go and do 3 sets of hack squats to failure?
I saw W6 post something about doing 10 sets for quads, and how pumped they get - and he didn't seem to think that was over-training. Maybe I read him wrong ....
Spatts: "I'm sure she'll correct me if I'm wrong, but I think what she's saying is that it TAKES that much to reach failure (and I, of course, question HOW she's doing it, if that's the case)."
On HEAVY days, I aim for concentric failure from the second set on, and achieve it on most sets, then often add in drop sets, to failure on each drop, and forced reps, to where the muscle group quits. When the bar just stops halfway though the ROM, and nothing, nothing you do bar cheating like a bookie in a fixed match will move the bar, that's failure, yes? But then when you rest for a couple of minutes, you can do it again, just with fewer reps. I try to explode up from the bottom, speed up near the top, smooth controlled motion down again.
On LIGHT days, I use about 60% of heavy day weight and add a couple of extra reps, never to failure, concentrate on form, speed.
So, all of that said, how about some pre-contest routines on a 5 or 6-day split that'll take less than 1 hour, or 45 mins.??? I swear, I will try it, I will do it, I will do whatever you guys suggest - just tell me how. I promise, I'll skip the meditative one with the weight thing, and just lift, if that's all it takes

Help, please???
BTW - I did bis, tris, forearms and abs last night in 60 mins exactly

warm up to cool down, 9 sets heavy bis, 9 sets light tris, 6 sets forearms, 3 sets abs.