Trinity ME lower body
Good Mornings: 95 x 1 pr
Glute ham raises body weight x 3 x 10
Reverse hypers: body weight x 3 x 8
Pull down abs: 70 lbs x 5 x 15
Leg Raises: 5 x 15
I had a great workout. I actually went up 20 lbs on the good mornings. I was very excited about that!!! After lifting all this weight this week ...its sad to say that the ab workout almost got the best of me! HAHA
I'll let exodus post his own workout.
Good Mornings: 95 x 1 pr
Glute ham raises body weight x 3 x 10
Reverse hypers: body weight x 3 x 8
Pull down abs: 70 lbs x 5 x 15
Leg Raises: 5 x 15
I had a great workout. I actually went up 20 lbs on the good mornings. I was very excited about that!!! After lifting all this weight this week ...its sad to say that the ab workout almost got the best of me! HAHA
I'll let exodus post his own workout.