Um...No, the drugs won't burn fat for you...None of them will. The only thing that can burn fat is being hypocaloric. If you're using more energy than you consume you will rely on stored triglycerides in the adipocytes to fuel your body. The three drugs you have selected are appropraite for cutting because they are poor aromitizers. This means little to no edema and no female patern fat storage or fat holding due to alpha 2 receptor agonism. Nobody can even fathom a guess as to you caloric needs to loose body fat and maintain muscle. If you are trying to loose fat forget about trying to gain mass....You're chasing your tail in circles and you'll never catch it. Bottom line is if you want to loose body fat you need to be hypocaloric. If you want to gain mass you need to be hypercaloric. Pick one and focus on it so you will succeed. At 200 pounds for dieting a recomended start would be 2500-3000 cals a day. For mass gains I would suggest in the range of 4500-5000 cals a day. Only you can determine what it takes to manipulate your body to suit your goals. Experimentation leads to the answer.