Did towel chins for the first time and must tell you, my forearms felt like being battered with clubs after the workout. I know the feeliong of a good forearm workout, where they feel like barbwire from all the lactic acid, but this time it was not only the muscle but also the tendons that felt very taxed...
I love the towel chins! I did them on a chinning station, so that I could adjust the weight stack to allow every set to go to 10 reps. Dit 4 sets with diffrent width between the towels....
Also did the usual reverse grip barbell and cable curls and the hammer curls, but I noticed the towel chins already taxed my grip to a point I had too lower the weight on the reverse curls, reason why I will do them as last exercise in the workout next time and follow them up with some barbell or dumbell wrist curls....
I love the towel chins! I did them on a chinning station, so that I could adjust the weight stack to allow every set to go to 10 reps. Dit 4 sets with diffrent width between the towels....
Also did the usual reverse grip barbell and cable curls and the hammer curls, but I noticed the towel chins already taxed my grip to a point I had too lower the weight on the reverse curls, reason why I will do them as last exercise in the workout next time and follow them up with some barbell or dumbell wrist curls....