deads were mentioned, 280 for 15 with straps being my best performance probably. i performed 325 for 3 without straps a couple months back.
my weakest lifts are bench and squats, i think.
i haven't consistently trained barbell bench for ~2 years.
flat barbell bench best performance is something like uh...210 for ~7/8 (not so good). i haven't maxed in forever.
my best performance in a bench-ish exercise is 98 lb (they're 18 lbs each with clips) dumbbells in incline bench for 5 reps.
standing military press best performance was about a year ago when i performed my own bodyweight for a rep (155 lbs) clean.
squats my best performance is 200 for 15 reps, or 260 for 5.
curls my best performance is ~110-115 lbs for 8 reps.
my diet has been 'alright' for ~1.5 years, getting at or near 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight with adequate healthy fat (via some olive oil, unsalted almonds etc). my carb intake has still been kinda 'ehh' as i've always just preferred staying lean.
my highest bodyweight was ~175 lbs at ~15% bodyfat, which i assume is more muscle than i'm currently holding. i cut down, though, because i hate getting a gut at all
so yah, i'm really no superman, but i wasn't pretending i was. as indicated originally, A) i was just saying i had good RELATIVE (relative to my bodyweight, eg dips/chins) strength and B) that my diet needs a lot of improvement, primarily in the form of an assload of quality carbs, probably.