I am right there with you. I was whining to Hannibal about my legendarily pathetic deadlift just last night.
I wish I could give you some sage advice, but despite my Good Mornings going up, and my squat increasing, I just can't seem to go anywhere with my deadlift. I trianed it last night so this is fresh and painful on my mind, and back, and hips and legs, and hands. . .
I have done everything all the experts have told me to do, and still have an awful deadlift. 430 is PR so far. Did rev. Band deads last night with blues, completely out of band by 3/4 of the way up and got to a whopping 505, which would not have passed, due to hitching I think.
So from a person who benches more than he deadlifts I can extend sympathy and wish you well on your quest. Nothing has worked for me on the deadlifts, while everything I do works on bench and to a slightly lesser extent, everything works well on the squat. I will keep up the search tho, and if I discover something that works, I will def. pass it along.