spatts said:Debaser, you seem very young, so I'm going to assume that you have not tried alot of the methods out there. You will learn, in time, that most methods are good and work as long as a person sticks to it. You can't believe everything you read. Please be more critical, and less absolute, when evaluating what is right and wrong to do. Please open your mind to what your body is capable of. You seem to impose ceilings where they are not necessary. I say this based on the fact that I actually took time out of my evening to read every post you've ever made. They all seem to start out "Interesting. No offense, man, but..." You speak as though you are an authority. What you do, HIT, may work very well for you AND others. I would never take that from you. This doesn't mean everyone needs to do it to see results. Furthermore, some of us are not trying to be big. Big is subjctive anyway. A 27inch thigh, even on a lean man over 6 foot, is not very big . . . but I suppose progress is progress.
Powerlifting is a different beast alltogether. You clearly don't know alot about it, and that's ok...most people don't. There aren't any powerlifting gyms where you live, and I know this because I'm about to open the only one in the city in May.
For every article you come up with that says something is bad, I can come up with something from someone just as qualified that says it's good. That's the nature of the beast. Same for diet. Even at the research level . . . I could go to Pubmed and specifically look for opposing views on a topic, and find well thought out research from doctors and other professionals that SWEAR by opposite opinions.
Bottom line, do what works.
I am in total agreement with you regarding form. That's MY soapbox. If I can't lift X lbs with perfect form, I don't consider myself to have lifted it. I want to be lifting when I'm 80, so I try to do it right or not at all. That doesn't mean that strength gains should be hindered. CCJ and I are probably both experiencing beginners luck. I've been training for strength for about 9 months. Gains will come faster now, than say, a year from now.
I agree, most people don't know how to train. This will be evident in their results.
Side note, when you said a gym "in the city" you're not talking about Kansas City are you? I would join in a second...
Though I'll admit I can't call myself an authority I consider myself very well-researched on the aspects of training, recovery and diet. And most people train like they're genetic supermen 5 + times a week and wonder why they don't grow.
The truth is, volume routines simply do not work, or at least not very well at all, for the vast majority of trainees. I have gathered this from a great many sources, personal sources, as well as reading everything by Stuart McRobert, and internet authorities (in my opinion) such as Bryan Haycock, Iron Addict, Doggcrapp, and a few others.
Doggcrapp made a very good point, saying that the best thing a bodybuilder could do for the first few years of his career is train with a competent powerlifter. That to get bigger and bigger you need to lift bigger and bigger weights.
I'll agree that not everyone wants to be big, but just about everyone here wants to be bigGER. And they keep chugging away at routines that just don't produce results, then they think they've hit their genetic ceiling when they're likely 20-40 lbs away from it, and use gear. I have nothing against roids, but it's sad that people turn to them so quickly.