Oh, that was a comp...I rarely test my 1RM in a full ROM on anything.
This particular day, I did 135 a few times, then I think 175, then around 225, then 275, etc...just 1 rep. Then my first attempt was 315. 2nd attempt was 375. 3rd attempt was 405.
I actually DID test this pull Saturday while in Tulsa training with the Oakie and Springfield Crews. I hadn't planned to, as it was speed day, but I got curious. I did 135 for 6, then 225 for 5, then 285 for 5, then 315 for 4 . . . I thought I was done, since those were speed pulls. I saw 415 on the bar and decided to go for it. Didn't budge. So I put on my belt and got it half way up. Perhaps if I hadn't just done my first day of circamax phase speed squats, and then speed pulls, I would've gotten it...who knows. I won't know until St Louis.