well, i've been eating tuna with a dab of mayo, and some relish and i love it. Can't get enough of it. Although im sure i will one day. Then i'll have to resort to some of your ideas.
1 can tuna
2.5 tbsp low fat cottage cheese
1.25 tbsp low fat mayo
1.5 cup grapes
4 melba toast
mix together in a bowl and voila...i hate tuna because of yrs of abuse...but the ingredients that i mix in there mask the taste...EXCELLENT AND GOOD FOR YA!
- 1 potato, boiled/baked, opened
- 140g can tuna
- tomatoes
- red peppers (the kind you sprinkle)
- persil and other green shit
- DIJON mustard
- Maggi sauce
mix the shit and stuff the potato
pretty damn good and mad filling