There was a long post a looong time ago explaining exactly why one should NOT inflict such a thing upon his son.
First of all: "It helps keep it clean!" Bullshit... soap helps keep it clean. Hell, what gets dirtier every day? Your face (exposed all day long) or your feet (socks and shoes covering them all day long).
Secondly: I'm told that circumcision results in less sensitivity for the man when "the time" comes.
Thirdly: "It looks better!" blah blah blah... pull back the skin and I bet not even the peepee-doctor could tell the difference.
Fourthly: "He'll get made fun of!" There is not a child alive today who cannot think of something about a person to make fun of. Might as well not send him to school or let him play outside. He'll thank you when he's a big boy for not mutilating his penis.
Finally: You seem to be looking for a reason "why not" - you should be looking for a reason WHY. I don't think to myself: "Gee let me think of some reasons why not to smash my hand with a hammer?" I think "Why the fuck would I smash my hand with a hammer?"
Besides, if he wants it done, he'll do it himself when he feels like making that decision. Isn't it his to make anyway?