Ive seen a shit load more pot bellied guys training in the gym for 2 hrs/day than on the track or bike. So if there is someone who is at 20% bf looking to drop down to 6% bf, no cardio is needed, just a strict diet and weight training, i have trouble believing this.
Most likely the guys lifting weights with pot bellies are not trying to actually burn fat, more likely they are trying to gain muscle so aren't in a negative calorie balance. As far as marathon runners goes, the point was that if cardio is so incredible for fat loss then no marathon runner should ever have an ounce of fat on them yet they are some of the most "skinny fat" people I've ever seen.
I've posted my before/after pictures on this site before but if you had seen my before pictures you'd know that I have anything but a gifted metabolism. Yet to this day I can reduce my bodyfat rather quickly only using weight training and diet. I have gone the cardio route before and the only difference is I lost weight faster, unfortunately more of it was muscle.
There is no one answer that will work for everyone. People are stubborn and will not change their views even if truth is staring them in the face. I don't theorize my statements, I have lived them so I don't care what study says what. If you truly believe you can't lose fat without cardio then why are bothering asking? It makes it seem as if you just want to stir controversy and never intended to be open minded about others arguements.
I firmly believe that just about anyone that doesn't have some legitimate medical issue(thyroid, etc..) can get down to 10% very easily with just weight training and diet alone. In fact I think they can get lower... the difference being that diet must be in perfect order and the majority of people don't go about it the right way. Cardio can make a sloppier diet work, whereas no cardio requires a spot on diet plan.
You may say that you'd rather spend an hour on the bike to be able to eat a bit more, but that's defeating the purpose of the arguement. The question is whether or not cardio is
essentialfor fat loss which I'd have to give a definiate no. Will it make fat loss faster? Perhaps, but nothing that an identical reduction in calories through diet couldn't match. Is it more healthy for your heart? Yes, but again that's not the arguement here... fat loss is.
If you guys believe you cannot burn fat without cardio then most likely you won't. What is it Yoda said... "Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.". If you go into a diet with the mindset that you aren't going to lose fat then somehow or rather you won't. If you go into your diet and workout plan with confidence and plan it out accordingly then I think you'd be surprised.
The bottom line is if you want to do cardio then go for it, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. However do it for your heart, health, to stare at chicks butts in front of you, whatever... But don't do it for "fat loss" as you're doing it for the wrong reason. Also if you find you can't lose fat without cardio then I suggest you take a long hard look at your diet and weight training regimen as there is most likely something wrong. The most important factor in fat loss bar none is a negative calorie balance. Yes there are many other factors involved, but if you don't get this one right then the others don't matter.
If you achieve that through proper diet and weight training then by the law of thermodynamics you simply can't help but to lose weight. If you are in a severe caloric deficit with no weight loss then perhaps you have compromised your metabolism in which the law of thermodynamics is still not broken. Since your metabolism has slowed in response to the caloric reduction you are still actually not burning more than you consume.
For the record I incorporate refeeds into my diet(which I think is important especially without cardio) so I keep my leptin levels up and metabolism going which keeps my diet is effective for a longer period of time. If I went balls to the wall with my diet I doubt I could go more than 8-12 weeks without hitting a major plateu.