Some quick points.
Aerobics burn carbs. Not fat. The "targeted heart rate" theory has been proven wrong. When subjected to long duration stress your body is more likely to burn protein before it burns fat
>Geez Nelson, this is a classic case of mixing your metaphors, low intensity exercise(cardio) DOES preferentially burn fat! If you increase the intensity or perhaps do it for two hours than you might have a point!
Having more muscle burns more fat. Aerobics break down muscle.
>No kidding! Aerobics does not break down muscle, where's the beef? show me?
The amount of calories used is dependant on your condition. If you can easily run a mile, you aren't burning as many calories as the person who struggles to run a mile. So using "distance" as a gauge is ridiculous.
>Actually it is not so far fetched, yes there are a lot of variables in the calories/mile equation but generally if you struggle to runthat mile it will take you 15minutes to do, if you are in good shape it will take you 8minutes, calories burned-100. I suppose you could make your point if the in shape guy/gal could be convinced to run that slowly.
Sprinting is not aerobic. It's "anrobic."
> OK........
Aerobics stop burning calories once you stop doing them. As soon as you eat, you just replaced the calories you burned. More muscle allows for calorie burning all day long.
>We already covered this but.... sure more muscle=more calories burned,so what, we all work out,we all have muscle. If you did not do the cardio than the food you just ate would be excess to your needs instead of "just replacing the calories you burned"
Yes, adding 20 minutes of cardio will burn more calories. So will adding 20 minutes of weight training -- except that weight training will grow muscle, raise GH, improve glucose disposal, and increase strength. Aeorbics will do none of these things.
They are, however, great at wearing out cartlidge in the kness, ankles and lower back
>If you are already training at peak intensity and duration than adding more weight training is going to be counterproductive. Point well taken on the stress on cartiledge etc, fast walking or a variety of other cardio is available for those with compromised joints, cycling comes to mind. No one here is trying to say "stop working out and do cardio, WE ALL WORK OUT!"
There isn't a single shread of proof that aerobics will lengthen life span. The only known fact is that EXERCISE will improve cardiac health. In case you haven't heard, weight training is exercise.
>Remember, we ALL weight train! Aerobics is exercise the last i checked and if you like I will post the studies on cardiovascular health and life expentancy risk. Wonder why all those savy money grubbing hmo's gladly pay for cardiac rehab including aerobic training albeit low intensity. BTW, WE ALL WEIGHT LIFT.
The average weight lost in a marathon is 4 pounds -- of which 3 pounds is water and about 10 ounces is muscle. That means you have to run 24 miles to lose a couple of ounces of fat. Now tell me how much fat you burn with 40 minutes on the treadmill!
>more than if you did not walk for forty minutes on a treadmill, I can personally attest to that in the winter time when the weather sucks to badly for me to get outside. Why do you keep bringing up marathons?
Wake up folks. The body doesn't know if you're doing squats or jumping up and down on a box. It only knows survival. It isn't going to burn fat just because you want it to or just because SHAPE magazine says so.
> yes, so......?
Aerobics suck. Just say no.