First of all, im not the Mechanic. Second of all, think about what your screaming. I never asked for your help, I asked for your opinion on something, one time, you act like Ive been bugging the shit out of you for months and months.
Your telling me to learn some manners and making me out to be a piece of shit. You sit here and start debates and give a little info here and there making people think you know your shit, which you might. You are here at this board 100% for business purposes only, nothing else. You want people to think you can help them, they send you PMs asking for your opinion on something, then you say, "well, if you want me to help you GIVE ME MONEY!!!!. Talk about give me, give me, give me.
Sorry bud, Ive been studying this sport myself for quite sometime, and because you have some different views than me, which have me a little interested, Im gonna give you my fucking money. For all I know you might not know dick, I buy your book and its a fucking book on dinosaurs. Plus im not gonna spend the money on your book because Im interested in something, as you stated, is covered in the 1st 5 pages.
keep starting debates and not backing them up with facts. Keep starting debates and when it gets heated stop offering your opinion because its covered in your book. I hope this site helps your business out, really. Good luck with all that. peace.
And for the last time, Im not the fucking machanic.