Yeah, snickers are a perfect blend of proteins, fats and carbs. LOL
Hunza bread-I don't think you can buy it, so it prolly isn't an option for your trip unless you want to make some before you leave Japan and carry it around for 3 weeks! It's a divine blend of buckwheat, millet, molasses, honey, protein powder, canola oil, apricots, walnuts with some cinnamon and nutmeg thrown in to make it taste like ginger bread. It is dense and travels really well (and keeps well too). That's the backpacking version of the recipe. There is also a 'diet' version that is less exciting.
a) prevent the nasty blow up bloat
Really, the only way to avoid this is to NOT manipulate your electolytes before the show. If you dehydrate and cut your sodium, then you WILL blow up. Of course, if you're lean enough there really is no need to do any drastic water and electrolyte manipulations.
b) somehow trick my brain into thinking I'm eating a LOT (because I KNOW my appetite is going to be out of control, and
my mental controlling resources are stretched pretty thin right now) whilst somehow NOT eating a TON of calories (thus
the veggie idea)
Do the veggies trick your appetite now?? Do you really eat a huge bowl of veggies and then feel "ahhh, now I don't want that Snicker's bar"?
c) avoid unreasonably quick fat gain - I KNOW I'm going to gain, and that's fine, but I ain't going down the same road as
last time again - I gained TOO much then.
Despite what you think, the weight gain in those first two weeks was almost all water/LBM. It's the food beyond the short term that caused your problems. I know it's uncomfortable and looks bad, but it most certainly is not ALL fat (hardly any fat in the first week). So I dunno. It's not something I ever worry about. I find the huge influx of fluid and nutrients to be very anabolic. But I know a LOT of women don't like the look and feel, and the only way to avoid it (besides avoiding dehydration/low sodium) is to continue dieting and exercising as before, and drink gallons of water. Gradually increase your calories I guess. I don't really know. It's not very leptinergic OR anabolic to gradually increase your calories

But I guess you won't be weight training for a few weeks, so it's worth a try.