5x5 Volume Phase: Week 4, Day 3
Friday, 4 February 2005
Due to having botched the initial weight and exercise selections for the volume phase, I ended up having to set 3 PRs today. Oh well, had to get shit done. Videos included, my mom took them
My brother my training partner wussed out.
I'm pretty beat up overall after the 4 week loading period. I got to the gym (hahah my basement, suckers) feeling exhausted, but nailed the PRs anyway. To think, my greatest accomplishment at one time was a 200lbs 1RM. Today's 5RM of 185 I completed in sub 6sec (estimated... it was very light that's all I know for sure). Unfortunately no viddy of that, mother was busy making steak
Hope after a few cycles of 5x5 my leg drive increases. My DL is good, but is much stronger than my squat. The increases in these exercises has had a huge carryover to my vertical though, I'm at a 32" VJ with no plyo training in the last few months. I guess I use a high percentage of whatever strength I have.
Bodyweight pre-workout (5:00pm EST): 169lbs
Workout duration: 1.5hrs
Drop Snatch Warmups
10 singles x bar + 5 sec holds at the bottom
Power Snatch Warmups
5 singles x bar
Squat Snatch Warmups
3 singles x bar
Overhead Squat Warmups
5 reps x bar
Bench Press
Warmup bar x 10, 50lbs increments
Set 1: 155 x 5
Set 2: 155 x 5
Set 3: 165 x 3
Set 4: 175 x 2
Set 5: 185 x 5
+10 lbs PR
Full Olympic Backsquat
Warmup bar x 10, 50lbs increments
Set 1: 200lbs
Set 2: 200lbs
Set 3: 200lbs
Set 4: 200lbs
Set 5: 200lbs
+5lbs 5x5 PR
Videos (All are ~8-10mb, sorry about size, but YouSendIt is pretty fast
http://s17.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2TKJWUZ8BLE0Q2YEQG4QTK8K46 [Set 1]
http://s17.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=140OQBG4NHMXP2O72JDGYFKVAG [Set 3]
Near the end, my form just fell apart. I did not take enough rest time between sets, was pressed for time. Generally I think my form isn't bad, but I will be working on making sure it doesn't fail again (not getting so deep in the last few sets) during deloading and in the future. Oh, I made a concerted effort in keeping my head up. Felt a bit weird at first, but I seemed to be a bit more upright because of it.
Bent Over Barbell Rows
Warmup bar x 10
Set 1: 115 x 5
Set 2: 115 x 5
Set 3: 125 x 5
Set 4: 125 x 3
Set 5: 145 x 5
+10lbs 5RM PR
http://s17.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2OTJ8WXGBBPV23MS68RLX38MG6 [145lbs PR w00t]
3 PRs today! Now I'm gonna go get some rest! I'm a newbie to bent over rows, so please, any fom criticism is welcome. Man I planned on assistance exercises at the end, some abs and definately some rotator cuf work. The bent over rows pretty much sealed the deal though - no assistance today. Will def be hitting that stuff hard next week.
BTW: I'm not bald, my hair is just really thin and short and it stands up on end
Music selection is 2 Pac, some Jimmy Eat World, and Twista