Thursday I trained shoulders and did 20 mins of cardio.
Last night, I did some ab work and extra triceps. And then hammered out 50 mins of cardio. I did the run two minutes/ walk two minutes intervals.
This morning I had to have my son downtown at 7:30 to do the SAT test for university. I had great plans of being in the gym early but am feeling pretty tired today so I came home and went back to bed! I may just take today off completely or do some cardio a bit later. I've been in the gym every day this week.
Saturdays are always a gong show. We had this SAT and will go right from there, across the city, to soccer training #1, home for an hour, haircut for the boy and then training again starting at 9:45 pm!! Of course, at the opposite end of the city!
On a personal note, it was weird this morning. I dropped Ethan (my son) off and just felt this huge rush of emotion. Teared up a bit. Naturally, he thinks I'm retarded and left the car muttering "women". lol
My son will graduate this year and is hoping to go State side for college. I went to the US on scholarship when I was 17, so it's kind of a family thing but it's becoming real for me. I have raised him from day one by myself and he's been my whole life and I guess I never thought I'd be looking at empty nester's syndrome at 40!! We've been going through the recruiting process with a couple of American universities and I've really struggled with it. I have questioned if I have anxiety but I think it's this subconscious thing where if I don't deal then it's not real. It's incredibly exciting and an amazing experience, so don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled for him but I've had this inner struggle about him leaving. personal insights of the morning. Far too early and not nearly enough coffee for such a Dr. Phil moment!!
I'm off to Costco!! Have a great Saturday everyone!