Been out of my rutines for about 12 years , and in that time i have gained alot of weight.
Little about myself.
48 yrs
251 lbs
6 ft
Retired fisherman with schlatters and a few old injuries. 25% tear trapezius from weightlifting , and a older injury in my back from military service in the 90' s.
My initial plan thats started today is to get my diet in check with 1500 calories pr day.
Will get into what the diet contains later , as it is important for progress and weightloss.
Also taking multivitamins , magnesium to combat sweethunger along with proteinshake.
My progress toward old habits will be slow , and my only excersise is walking 5km everyday at 90% capacity. (Speed)
Will get back to gym , but first i want to loose abit weight to feel confy

I do have 2 cycles under my belt , and i do plan to get back on.
But first things first...diet , weightloss , then gym for a while to get strenghten joints and ligaments before anything.
Atleast thats the plan.
150 - 200mg test e later on.
Pictures comming too.
Best regards