I just read this on a different web site musclemaster.com
what do you think? have any of you tried this exsercise or anyting like this.
To help target the long head of the biceps, try Lying Dumbbell Curls. This exercise is performed lying down on a flat bench with dumbbells in hand. Do a very light warm-up set before pumping out one or two more intense sets.
While lying flat, let your arms hang down with your elbows tucked in and your upper arms in contact with the bench.
Now curl the weight up pulling the dumbbells in towards your shoulders. For added intensity, lower the weight slowly emphasizing the eccentric portion of the movement.
For best results, work in the 8-12 rep range. This is a tough exercise that makes cheating extremely difficult-when performed properly, it'll give you a good biceps pump.
You don't need to use a lot of weight to see solid results with this movement; concentrate on form and tighten up those biceps!"
what do you think? have any of you tried this exsercise or anyting like this.
To help target the long head of the biceps, try Lying Dumbbell Curls. This exercise is performed lying down on a flat bench with dumbbells in hand. Do a very light warm-up set before pumping out one or two more intense sets.
While lying flat, let your arms hang down with your elbows tucked in and your upper arms in contact with the bench.
Now curl the weight up pulling the dumbbells in towards your shoulders. For added intensity, lower the weight slowly emphasizing the eccentric portion of the movement.
For best results, work in the 8-12 rep range. This is a tough exercise that makes cheating extremely difficult-when performed properly, it'll give you a good biceps pump.
You don't need to use a lot of weight to see solid results with this movement; concentrate on form and tighten up those biceps!"