All your 1 max PR's look so fast and easy. How come you always leave something in the tank and leave room for more PR's in the same movement for next time. You've made so many gains that way!
All your 1 max PR's look so fast and easy. How come you always leave something in the tank and leave room for more PR's in the same movement for next time. You've made so many gains that way!
I train for speed...that is why they look easy. If they were slow...I would NOT get the lift.
I train with a semi-volume approach. I hit the muscle in some form or fashion 2x per week or so. If I go to all out failure then I would SEVERLY overtrain but this way I can hit it more effectively and efficiently. I continue to set PR's because I don't go overboard on much.
With my deadlift...can you give me a good reason why it would be effective AND efficient to go to failure? Think about it... Look at the positives vs the negatives to going to failure on deadlifts.
You keep cycling your main movements every week, setting a semi-PR on each. You just never seem to test your limits on one particular movement, thats what I was refering to.
You keep cycling your main movements every week, setting a semi-PR on each. You just never seem to test your limits on one particular movement, thats what I was refering to.
Give an example...I'm still confused as to what you are asking.
Of course I cycle my movements every week...I rarely ever do the same exercise more than once ever 2 months or longer. The goal is long-term...if you go for a PR every week then you are not going to continue to gain size, strength, or functionability. Your body WILL adapt to the exercise.