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Approved Log AussieBrah Testosterone & Primobolan TRT Cruise Cycle Log

@Aussiebrah thats impressive but KFC cheat meal no pics man/ come on :) i want kfc lol

training hardcore keep pushing it hard :)
I didn’t want to leave anyone astray with their dieting😂😂🤣. Next time I’ll post picks 👍🏼
Little bit too much volume on the legs
My hams to be honest are absolute dog shit. I have an ( A ) & ( B ) workout for my leges which I rotate each week between the two. I only train leg once a week I put one extra exercise on hamstrings for ( B ) workout.
rarely do I see people work on their hamstrings it's a big imbalance
that's good that you recognize what you need to work on that shows that you know your body
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