Hello Coreman,
It is good to see that you are willing and wanting to make an effort to change. That in itself is already a step forward to a new healthier lifestyle and new healthier you. I will not lie and say it will be easy or that you will not run into obstacles however I will tell you that if and when you decide to truly make this change you will continue because you will revel at the results of your perserverance and dedication.
With that said, I think what seems to be your biggest problem thus far is not so much the lifestyle you live but rather that you have tried ill-guided attempts to change your body composition and have become discouraged. That is always the result of a misinformed decision. It really isn't your fault, however I suppose you knew that if it seemed too easy, just taking a simple pill that is, that it probably wasn't going to make such a major change to something so complex as your body.
One of the keys to acheiving any goal is to educate yourself as much as you can. This will allow you to make your own choices based on logic of your own mind rather than what others tell you, however I understand you want a sound plan to build off of. That is understandable, we all need to start somewhere.
First and foremost you need to make a major change to types of food you eating and the frequency at which you eat them. Manipulating your body composition really isn't hard once you understand what certain foods do.
You are overweight right now but what I will suggest is more than sufficient for everyone. My own eating is based on eating whole foods which translates to good cuts of meat, fish, liberal amounts of all types of green and colorful vegetables, moderate amounts of nutrient dense fruits, nuts and wholesome oils and fats like olive oil and organic butter.
As you can see the only things missing are the foods that man has fabricated and really has only recently been introduced to our natural diet which was developed over hundreds of thousands of years. Your "diet" rather your near way of eating should revolve around some type of protein source (meat) at every meal accompanied by some veggies (broccolli, spinach, fennel, swiss chard, kale, salad greens, etc.) On those veggies I would suggest the addition of a quality extra virgin olive oil and some vinegar if you choose. The extra fat from the olive oil will satiate you while also providing a good source of monosaturated fat (which can be considered a "neutral" lipid).
It really isn't hard. Everyone thinks that changing your body is soo fucking hard but it really is a matter of construction. You want to build a house, choose your material? You want to build a house that will stand the test of time and the abuse of nature or that will crumble instantly? It all depends on the materials. Makes sense right? The same idea applies to your body. Eating whole nutritous foods like meat and veggies is the equivalent of building a house of reinforced steel surrounded by brick, more than worthy of surviving everything the world can throw at it.
As far as supplements go, you are just beginning so you really don't need anything more than quality fish oil, some kind of "multi" vitamin ( I suggest Ocu-Guard by twin labs) and I would also suggest some alpha lipoic acid for its antioxidant and glucose disposal properties. In addition, you should obtain a quality protein powder ( I really like optimum nutrition's whey powder as do many others).
A sample day would look like this
Meal 1- 2 eggs and 2 more egg whites
Add some greens and other veggies into the eggs and make a nice omlette type deal. Drink plenty of water with this and other meals.
Meal 2- 4 oz. lean beef
-salad of romaine,tomato,cukes, and some nice olive oil on top.
Meal 3- You're looking for something quick so maybe a protein shake with some all natural peanut butter mixed in and a handful of almonds.
Meal 4- 2 chicken breasts and more veggies and another handful of nuts.
Meal 5- Have a nice dinner, a good piece of fish, a nice roast. I am partial to some wild salmon and broccolli rabe with garlic and oil, etc.
As you can see it doesn't even seem like you're "dieting". In reality you giving your body what it needs and I really doubt anyone would consider this
"deprived". There are some really flavorful foods that can be made from all the whole foods I suggested.
You should eat about every 2-3 hours so that you don't become too hungry and eat too much or somethign bad at the next meal. Also it will keep your metabolism up because food, specifically protein has a thermic effect which we would like to have.
I also would admonish you to prepare all of your food before hand. Most people stray from their diets because they can't obtain the food they need. Don't let this happen. Prepare all your meals, put them in some containers and carry a portable cooler-bag with your food. So what if peopple laugh, those are the same people looking and feeling like shit.
What I have suggested is nothing special. It is really an efficient manipulation of certain foods that have an amazing effect on the way your body composes itself and how it feels. It is more than sufficient for what you need right now and until you really start nearing a body goal it will suffice. Once you get into the single digit bf% range then you may need to tweak it some to acheive your goal, but I gurantee that following these guidelines will get you near where you want to be. It is now up to you whether or not you will change your life and body. What seems to be something fueled by vanity can be so much more as many of us know. It can be an eye opener and you can learn much about yourself and your world along the way. You can also learn some new skills and new information.
I am also going to suggest some training guidelines too. You want to focus initially on the core power movements that will help you develop strength and muscle mass. The bench press, deadlift and squat are three of the most effective lifts there are and your program should revolve around these basic movements. Also incorporate other basic movements like pull ups, dips, shrugs, curls and some ab work. T-mag (
www.t-nation.com) is a great place to find yourself a solid training regimen. I would suggest Ripped, Rugged and Dense which is a 5X5 program which will allow you to focus on the basic lifts.
Ughh, I think I am done now and I am sure I have given you a lot to think about. I normally don't respond to many posts but yours caught my interest because it seems you really want to change but just didn't know where to start. I hope what I have told you will help you achieve what you want.
Keep us posted