There is no friggin conspiracy. the problem is this.
Anyone with sense agrees that the gay community should have the same rights as everyone else. However, a semantic issue exist. The word marriage carries a meaning that is tied to religion and ideas of family. Homosexuals cannot reproduce and have their own children, therefore they are incapable of having true families and the experience of raising one's own children. When you allow the redefinition of the word(idea) marriage, to include gays, you essentially dilute the strength of the idea(word) and what it stands for. Marraige comes from religious tradition and has always implied a man and a woman. It's not fair for an outside belief system to adapt the idea of marriage to include them, its simply not their tradition to define. Legal unions that allow all the same privlidge under the law should be considered. However, consider this. It's fact that people who are married with children are less costly on society by far! People who raise children have greater incomes, and are cost the health care system less. This is why the government legally promotes the ideas of marraige through incentives. Do gay couples exihibit behavior that is not as healthy as hetero couple with children? something to think about