bench now 110x5kg - back to original PB.
So I have gained 40kg on my bench in 3-4 weeks since taking lexapro. At 70 kg, this translates into 57% of my bodyweight.
I'm pretty excited now about the next year in weights.
For the next 2 months, I will not run, because my squats have always lagged (same as bench), and it's pretty likely than an hour of daily cardio (squash, running, tennis etc) is the reason for the fact that my squat weight has never developed like other body parts.
I still can't think of the reason for why lexapro fucked me over so much. I mean clearly I didn't lose that much muscle, because i regained the strength so quickly. It was as if my brain couldn't get them to work or something.
It would be interesting to get my testosterone checked, given I have an incredibly low sex drive, but I'm not sure how I could convince a doctor to try to get this medically subsidized.