You're right, I am biased, it probably stems from seeing the same thing over and over, these unloved, unlaid men almost never say the following: I'VE TALKED TO HER.No offense musclemom but you ARE being a litte biased. Yeah you've given some good advice and it is partly up to him to make things work but it is up to her too. When a woman gets married and has kids that shouldn't be an excuse to change the deal and stop bothering with sex. DJ_UFO is dead right when he said that sex is like food to a lot of men. Very few women will understand that completely.
If I have a problem with my husband, I talk to him. If my husband has a problem with me, he TALKS TO ME.
You're right, I don't understand most men. You claim sex is an essential ingredient to your survival, but you won't open your freaking pie holes and SPEAK to the women you've committed your lives to and say "Umm, I'm finding the quantity/quality of our sex life recently somewhat unsatisfactory, what are your feelings about this matter and could we possibly do something about this?"