I would start by asking how did you feel after yesterday? Were you hungry at any particular point of the day? How did your training session go? Were you hungry or tired afterwards? How did you sleep after it all?
Then I would look at the total cals & macronutrient breakdown relative to the calculated amount of nutrients you need to maintain your weight. I didn't calculate it. Did the Oxygen article include that breakdown?
From an application standpoint, here's what I would comment on:
- I would put the oatmeal for breakfast instead of the bread. I'm not generally a bread eater because it is a processed carb and I didn't understand the dipping it in egg thing - is this something like dunking toast into eggs sunny-side up? Or cover the bread in raw egg white & make french toast? I dunno -- waaaay to complex for my brain in my waking moments. :cP I do, however agree w/ carbs in the morning. The orange will give a little kick of energy with the fructose to start the day. Not sure I would put the almonds in there - I guess the point is to up the protein a little and then throw in some good quality fats. It will slow down the metabolizing rate of that meal as a whole because there's a full 3 hours until the next meal. I'd keep the fats for a different meal. Also I don't know what time your day starts, but I can't wait until 9:30 to eat. Especially if there's AM cardio involved.
-12:30 meal - I also can't wait this long for my next meal. My stomach alarm starts getting pretty violent at about 2 1/2 hrs. Particularly in the morning. The meal itself is decent protein and green carbs. This might be a good place to put in some good quality fats.
3-4 pm Train - I can't train on an empty stomach. Personally I would put some carbs, maybe throw in 3 oz of sweet potatoe before training so I have something to run on.
Post training protein drink - I can agree with that. This might also be a good time to throw in some simple carbs for post workout recovery. The orange could address this.
7 pm: 3 egg whites, 1/2 c oatmeal - I don't know if this is supposed to be an ova-lacto vegetarian approach ? As they used to say, "Where's the beef?", or at least stuff like chicken? After a while I can't look at eggs if that's a huge part of my diet. I woudl do something like 4 oz grilled chicken & a big leafy salad.
10 pm: Another protein mix - If you are looking to build muscle, I would first look to lots of good quality protein. Keep the "alternative proteins" to a min. I like a protein mix during the day because it is practically speaking, hard to have time for 3 meals at work or at school, so the protein mix gets the protein in there without a big deal. Also the protein mix (it isn't noted what the fat content is) will metabolize fairly quickly, within 1-2 hrs. That leaves you basically fasting for 10 hours until your next meal in the morning.
To build muscle you want enough protein to build with, enough carb to have the energy to train with insane intensity to tear down & build up muscle and enough good quality fats to keep you healthy. You don't want to keep the calories too low that you don't actually gain muscle and take on enough carb to provide energy and a small amount of accompanying fat to again help support the bulking phase.
I also don't know what the options are for those meals, because, as I noted earlier, I can only handle so much egg white