Macro or anybody,
1. Can this stuff be applied DIRECTLY on the nipple?
yes, it can be applied directly to nipple
2. Wouldnt that irritate this sensitive area?
it can irritate- just depends on individual sensitivity- the aloe and glycerin are soothing agents
3. How long can you stay on it?
depends- but a 2-3wk break every 8 weeks is reccomended. also with higher doses 3-4days on 1-2 off
4. Also, about how long will it take to start seeing results (with the proper cardio and dieting) if already moderately lean?
time to results will vary- though usually 1-2wks for noticable results, but it really depends.. diet, exercise, how much A2 fat, etc
How long for the nipple hardening effect?
temporary effect IMMEADIATELY- for permanent - when the fat is gone or reduced...