New member
Well for starters it was fun as hell! I lost over 18lbs to make 220 for middles weight. That is a post of its own. I went through hell to do it. Anyway glad i did cause the heavy weights were HEAVY! I thought well if George is opening with 700 he might bomb, and if kenny only gets an opener i could win. then reality set in. George went 700, 714, then 733. Freakin awesome! Kenny went either 661 or 683 not sure, but 1st and 2nd werelocked. They divided the flight into two groups. I was last in fligh tone and a guy in the middle weights was first in th esecond. We had th esame openers. So needless to say we forgot about him when we planned our strategy. There were plenty of middleweight actually lots. A shitload over 500. But we thoougt in my camp and Rick Lawrence were just going top battle for 3rd, and 750 bucks. He opend with 551lbs and missed came back and got it. My opener had a really hard time coming down and the spot light would blind you. I couldnt see when the bar came down. Finally after having on my chest and hovering for about 7 seconds whe ni got th epress count it went up and towrds my face so i kinda ducked and slammed it into the rack till they grabbed it. I told my buddy i was hurt, but didn tknow how bad. Came back and got my 562 opener on the second attempt. Rick then went to 590 so i totally abanded my game plan to put my new shirt on that i got 635 in and kept my old one and decided to just go 600lbs, for 3rd. Well rick missed 590 and i fell way ou tof my groove but still thought i could get it but about 4 inches from lockout my left shoulder couldn tdo it so i said take it. Well at this poin ti thought my 562 opener was enough for 3rd and 750 dollars. Wrong the other guy opened 562 missed twice bad. Then calle dfor 10lbs more for 3rd. Some way he got it. So i ended up with 4th and 500 bucks. So its all good my shoulder is really hurt, but whats new. Consider all the guys that went 500 plus it was very tight comp. there were around 10 middle weights and some werre really immpressive but just not big enough. I felt bad cause donald robbins was middle , joe daughtery form westside, arnold coleman from westside. and they lifted awesome and even attempted wrold record. But being 181 they stand no chance at middle. If ed reckenwald would have got 551 he would have beat out rick lawerence for 5th being the lighter man. I think robbins went 540, coleman went 545, daughtry went 534 or so, ed went 523, and not sure what the rest got but as you see it was close. Gotta go just gave my account of my class the reat was awesome too but Powermag will get the full report soon i am sure. Hey jake was lookin gfor you bro. met your buddy though.