I'm 5,10" & have recently come from around '254lbs at 24%' bodyfat down to '217lbs at 15% bodyfat'. I got to 254lbs by being extremely unclean with the foods I ate, as (stupidly) my only concern was GET BIGGER GET BIGGER GET BIGGER, and at the end of the day I ended up putting on far too much fat than I expected. I was going to cut down to 10-12% bodyfat, but as I've been cutting so long (been around 3 months now) it's starting to become extremely monotonous/repetitive. Seeing as summer is basically over now aswell, I've decided to bulk again, but this time extremely clean. Basically I'll be eating the same foods I was using to cut, but I'll just be increasing the portion sizes in order to gain muscle. I'll also be including cardio 3 times a week in order to prevent too much fat gain as I'm hoping to add as little fat as possible. I know fat gain is inevitable but I don't want to end up like I was before (see stats above).
Do you think if I DID do this, that once I actually reached around 250lbs again, I'd look completely different to how I looked when I was 254lbs in the past? I just REALLY don't want to end up getting to 254lbs again with hardly any definition and a belly etc, which was the situation in the past when I was that weight.
Thanks in advance guys.
Do you think if I DID do this, that once I actually reached around 250lbs again, I'd look completely different to how I looked when I was 254lbs in the past? I just REALLY don't want to end up getting to 254lbs again with hardly any definition and a belly etc, which was the situation in the past when I was that weight.
Thanks in advance guys.