I work from 7:30am to 5:00pm. I wake up and have 1 Scoop of Protaquest Precision Whey Protien with 4 egg whites plus one whole egg, two peices of toast with I cant believe its not butter and grape jelly. Before I go to lunch at 11:30ish, I would have eaten 1 can of tuna in oil drained, a 33gram protien Met-rx bar, 1/4cup almonds,1\4 cup raisins,banana. For lunch I have 2 chicken drumsticks, a lean cuisuine meal. then till 5:00 pm Ill eat a 24 gram EAS protien bar, another banana,apple,2 egg wites from hard boiled eggs. Come home and take a Twinlab Andro feul pill, Eat 1 packet of oatmeal with raisins,and honey to sweeten.30 minutes or so after taking the andro pill, Ill take a scoop of EAS Phosphegen XT creatine, 5g L-Glutamine powder, 1 tbs of Amino Feul by twinlab, and mix up one scoop of Methoxy pro to drink during workout, after workout, 5g L-glutimine, 2 tbs amino fuel, 1scoop methoxy pro,raw potatoe or another packet of oatmeal. Then I'll eat something for dinner and have 1scoop of Protaquest protien, and the final tbs of aminofeul.Also when I get up to piss I will eat a banana, and another scoop of Protaquest protien. Also troughout the day I take a 7-keto feul pill,and at night sometimes z-mass. All cheap supplement, but just until I make the big dollars.