There's a guy at my gym who's obviously been doing it for a while.... I'll try and paint a picture of this guy.
He's about 5'7", has almost like an Elvis hairdo except without as huge a bulge on the front.... but it's pretty much the same, sideburns included. He's probably in his mid-late 30's, bald spot, drives a sports car, name is Derek. His body is okay, he's pretty lean and has okay muscle tone.... he's not BIG by any means, but he looks okay for the most part, except his arms are seriously lacking (you'll soon see why) and I don't think he trains his back. But he does a lot of cardio and he's tanned and shaven so.... y'know. Looks better than average.
This guy has the biggest ego I have EVER seen. He wears the regular training top thing (dunno what they're called in North America, but back home we call it a "singlet".... like the basketball ones, but for working out) but all the time, I see him checking himself out in the mirror, turning sideways and checking himself out, adjusting and readjusting his weight belt while checking himself out.... if you can imagine standing there looking at the mirror, pretending that he's not admiring himself.... then he undoes the weightbelt a notch, and then puts it back again....
.... when he walks, he has the most blatant "strut" I've ever seen.... walks almost like he's dancing. Shoulders rotating back and forth, arms out sideways like a lobster.... Most of the time looking sideways and checking himself out in the mirror anyway.
Anyway, the funniest part is his workout. He lifts about the same weight as me with most exercises (like bench) but he doesn't do many of those exercises. He works his biceps every time he trains, and stands there with 12lb dumbbells (literally) and one arm at a time, does these pathetic "half reps" where he doesn't lower his forearm past parallel.... that's fine, but the really funny part is the faces he makes to pretend that it's difficult. He screws up his face, looks to the ceiling, sticks his tongue out, clenches his teeth, closes his eyes real tight like he's in so much pain.... from 12lb half rep dumbbell curls. All the while, checking himself out in the mirror.
He supersets those with triceps kickbacks with the same 12lb weight. When he's done, he drops the weights from waist-height like they're 100lbs dumbbells or something.... too heavy to put down in a controlled manner.
Then on chest day, he does those dumb dips where you put your feet on a bench in front of you, and dip from another bench.... his range of motion is about 3" for each rep. Then he supersets those with pushups, and (I'm not exaggerating) his ROM wouldn't be more than a few inches.... it's almost like he's trembling.... he just bounces up and down so slightly, I can't help but laugh.
Then he gets up, checks himself out in the mirror.... adjusts his weight belt a few times (why he needs one for those exercises, I don't know) and struts off to talk to people.
He's hilarious.... gives me a good laugh every time I see him.