Weak points:
lower back / spinal erectors and front/side delts
i have neglected deadlifts and bentrow too much in the past cause i have talent for wide lats, they grow even from looking at other people doing chins...However this was fooling myself to believe I had a good back , until i saw somebody in the gym with wings AND huuuge spinal erectors / lower traps and a christmass tree in the lowerback..
Thickness is improving a lot now that i really focus on bent rows, but since my ankle injury is not completely healed yet, i still cannot do heavy deadlifts yet, but instead do light very controlled stldl for the time being.......
delts and traps , i guess it's partly biomechanics... I have a long neck and long arms and orignally a narrow torso... Most guys with great delts i see have short necks with huge traps, shorter arm and a broader torso , giving better leverage for heavy overhead presses.....
Also i suspect my front / side delts are red fibre, when i go swimming (swim sprints) during holidays, my front delts actually catch up in shape and size from this kind of heavy endurance work... Maybe i should train delts with high reps