started out at 4mg of zambon winny <oral>. 10th day went to 6mg. staying there prolly for another 14 days. everything is great so far. no sides except for like 3 pimples on my chest, which is like nothing to complain about. my weight was 158, now 153. bf% is 17, gonna have it taken again in like 4 weeks. strength gains are enormous so far, im really surprised. i feel harder, overall. im weight training 5 days a week, and cardio varies from 30-60 mins 6 days a week. i feel like, if i could bring a cot to the gym and sleep there ... id be in heaven
also im doing the beverly int. diet, and its working pretty good so far. thanks again for everyones help and info
ill give another update in 2 more weeks =P~~

ill give another update in 2 more weeks =P~~