i had a skinneier, younger, prettier woman add me to fb, so yes... that kind of happened.
we werent emotionally broken up, at all.. and it was to make up for the mistakes i made, but dont worry i didnt really get played...
and for getting he back ummmm, PLEASE TEACH ME, i have a list of women she would murder me if i touched em, any thoughts? how should i do it? and fukin her mom and sis wont work out besides they suck anyway.
and yeah my friend lisa told me to ignore the bitch and that would make her feel unimportant.
and i dont want to get her pregnant as a ugnenics theorist i would never want her cess pool of lack of success and weakness to ever infect my genes and ruin the zygote. shes failing out of university, i actually really want to see it happen, REALLY BAD

lmao after the shit she said... i hope she realises why she isnt good enough.
and when we hgung out 2 weeks ago she said only greasey guys hit on her, if thats true, its kinda awesome shes lonely and wont find anyone that likes her anytime soon
oh and that younger skinnier prettier girl wants to fuck me till my labrum tears again.