He is not, however, a different species.
as long as he's at this level that he is, he almost is a different species. The genes being expressed in his body for all practical purpose's do make him a different species. If you don't beleive that than I suggest you put it to the test and eat 15k calories a day like he or Phelps does. Or just half that. See what happens to your body. No amount of roids either is going to control that. The amount of natural hormones these guys make just from the intensity of their excercise puts them on another playing field. If they were to electrically stimulate your leg muscles to fire as hard as these guys muscles fire as they're running down the would tear from your bone. And that's just muscular contraction, they also have built up tendons and ligaments to absorb the shock.
This underscores the fact that your body is just a big blast furnace. Sure, you could load it up with trans fats or ridiculous amounts of sucrose/glucose, but the vast, vast, vast majority of mainstream food eaten in appropriate caloric amounts will all be equivalent.
you don't understand the importance of micronutrients. All those olympic athletes come with their own storehouses full of powdered greens and various other micronutrient supplements. Without those micro's he could not have metabolized all those nuggets. The nuggest are just the raw macro, without the micro's your body doens't properly assimilate them. This is why eating at some of these fast food places makes one immediately shit a greasy log, the body wants no part of it and just liquidates everything.
I know it's fun, trendy and downright eclectic to think some cow who wandered the countryside listening to Beethoven makes meat that is somewhat better for human consumption. The problem is it just isn't.
This information is easily found. I don't understand your reticence to accept reality. Your snarky beethoven comment aside, a cow wandering the countryside eating what probably millions of years worth or ruminant genes dictate it to eat, is going to be vastly healthier than an animal fed shit it isn't even remotely capable of properly metabolizing. And if you got sick and had to be bedridden for months, would you still eat the same as you would when on cycle and working out? Of course not because that would be unhealthy. So why is it not the same for an animal that barely moves it's entire life? An animal that is genetically programmed by millions of years of evolution to wander vast stretches of land?
also, there's nothing fun, trendy and/or eclectic about this. The delusion of the human race into thinking the status quo is going to see us into some grand technologically marvelous future is what's going to infact ensure that it doesn't happen. The decay of the human genome is accelerating, right infront of us. Things that used to take countless generations to develop are happening right infront of us during our lifetimes. Before we die babies born without some major genetic deficiency will be quite the rarity indeed. In 20 years you won't be taking your kid home even within months of it being born. The kid is going to have to be monitored in the hospital possibly for the entire first year of it's life. It's already happening. We've shit all over the epigenome and the next couple generations are going to pay dearly for it.