I am a first time TestE user, running 500mg a week total, with nothing additional!
I am onto my third week and have got a little paranoid (as the newbies do) around gyno as I started having a tingly sensation, though nothing more. so I decided to get my bloods done. - again, maybe another newbie mistake not getting them done before and during!
I have read the initial post which is very informative, however i am having an issue trying to gauge how 'severe' or not my results are!
So im hoping someone with a lot of experience would offer an opinion:
Oestradiol - 283 pmol/L ('normal' indicated to be 41 - 159)...
Progesterone - 0.962 nmol/L ('normal' indicated to be 0 - 0.474)... - TBH, i think i might be naturally high in this as i have all the 'effects' naturally :/
Prolactin - 265 mU/L (normal indicated to be 86 - 324)...
Clearly the Oestrogen and Progesterone are high... I just don't know if these figures are dangerously high, managebly high or 'chill, not too high at all really'...
I have Nolvadex, Clomid and Proviron - Looking towards PCT options...
However I only have the natural AI DIM which i've only just started taking - I don't have any Arimidex :/
Experienced opinions would be greatly received, Thanks
I am a first time TestE user, running 500mg a week total, with nothing additional!
I am onto my third week and have got a little paranoid (as the newbies do) around gyno as I started having a tingly sensation, though nothing more. so I decided to get my bloods done. - again, maybe another newbie mistake not getting them done before and during!
I have read the initial post which is very informative, however i am having an issue trying to gauge how 'severe' or not my results are!
So im hoping someone with a lot of experience would offer an opinion:
Oestradiol - 283 pmol/L ('normal' indicated to be 41 - 159)...
Progesterone - 0.962 nmol/L ('normal' indicated to be 0 - 0.474)... - TBH, i think i might be naturally high in this as i have all the 'effects' naturally :/
Prolactin - 265 mU/L (normal indicated to be 86 - 324)...
Clearly the Oestrogen and Progesterone are high... I just don't know if these figures are dangerously high, managebly high or 'chill, not too high at all really'...
I have Nolvadex, Clomid and Proviron - Looking towards PCT options...
However I only have the natural AI DIM which i've only just started taking - I don't have any Arimidex :/
Experienced opinions would be greatly received, Thanks