As far as strength gains, like strong man comps or even obstacle course would training with a fat or thick bar help me out? I need to improve on my grip strength. Just wondering if anyone has any luck with it. Thanks
you can use the thickbar for whatever. some people like it for tricep pushdowns or for deadlifting. if you want to build grip try db holds with the thick bar. or checkout ironmind's site for lots of grip ideas. the use of constant heavy weight always builds my grip.
I love my thick bar. I do timed holds with my 2" thick bar (cost me $30 to make) as well as deadlifts and I set it in top of my power rack for chins also... Curls are fun with them, as well as cleans.
Strongman is a possibility or even a goal for maybe later. I'm doing more obstacle course training and I suck at the cargo net and the wall. The Galaxy is also a possibility.