I personally like to break it down into the push/pull legs routine.
incline bench
Behind the back dips
Military press or lat raises
Bent rows
Maybe some shrugs
Ez bar curls
Behind the back wrist curls
Box squats or deads (love the deads)
Leg extensions
Lying leg curls (gonna try glute ham raise soon, I hear its hella intense)
Standing calf raises
I personally am doing DC training, so I would do 1 workset of each exorcise, I have 3 different exercises for each group that I rotate on different days, constantly mixing it up.
I dont think intensity comes from the routine, it comes from within the person.
Do 1 set of 4rep deads, then immediately drop the weight down so you can bust out 20 reps. Ive never felt anything like that in my life.