warmup: 2x5 - 45
warmup: 1x5 - 65
warmup: 1x3 - 135
warmup: 1x2 - 185
working sets: 1x5 - 205 PR
working sets: 2x5 - 200 PR
warmup: 2x5 - 45
warmup: 1x5 - 45
warmup: 1x3 - 65
warmup: 1x2 - 95
working sets: 3x5 105 PR
Barbell Rows:
warmup: 2x5 - 45
warmup: 1x5 - 65
warmup: 1x5 - 115
working set: 3x5 - 155
My hip is still bothering me. Not a severe pain or anything, just the joint feels stressed out. I'm pretty sure it's the tendons or ligaments in there (hip flexors maybe?) I haven't been doing anything different, so not sure what's going on. Maybe I need to stretch them out or something. But it's hard to stretch your hips. Any tips on stretches I could do??
As a side benefit, greater hip flexibility would allow me to activate my glutes better while squatting and probably provide a lot more over all power to my body.