Hey Guys! Just found out that from the owner of my gym that they are starting a 12wk fat lose contest Feb 1st 2008. The winner gets a 7 day cruise + $500. I'm currently 6'0 @ 225 with about 16%bf and 3wks into a 14wk bulking cycle (tes,de,db + growth) Ya'll may think I'm crazy, but what in the hell can I take/eat to gain massive weight (good/bad) that would be super easy to lose during my cut cycle starting Feb 1st???I plan on staying clean about 10wks before I start my cut cycle in Feb. My friend said "MUSCLEMILK twice a day with whole milk" would be a good start. Shit, this actually gives me a goal. They're using a caliper, so accuracy will be out the window. I need a big number at the start. I thought about upping my sodium 1wk out. Any ideas on this one? If I win, and you guys give me the winning tip, I promise to take your sister with me. Just kidding! My wife would kill me.